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Beige Book 3月8日预览

2024-01-18 科技


Labor MarketsLabor market conditions remained solid. Employment continued to increase at a modest to moderate pace in most Districts despite hiring freezes by some firms and scattered reports of layoffs. Labor ailability improved slightly, though finding workers with desired skills or experience remained challenging. Several Districts indicated that a lack of ailable childcare continued to impede labor force participation. While labor markets generally remained tight, a few Districts noted that firms are becoming less flexible with employees and beginning to reduce remote work options. Wages generally increased at a moderate pace, though some Districts noted that wage pressures had eased somewhat. Wage increases are expected to moderate further in the coming year.


PricesInflationary pressures remained widespread, though price increases moderated in many Districts. Several Districts reported input costs rose further, particularly for energy and raw materials, though there was some relief reported for freight and shipping costs. Some Districts noted that firms were finding it more difficult to pass on cost increases to their consumers. Selling prices increased moderately in most Districts, with several Districts noting a deceleration. Home prices were generally flat or down slightly, while rents were reported to be steady or higher. Still, home prices and rents remained high, contributing to ongoing concerns about housing affordability. Looking ahead, contacts expected price increases to continue to moderate over the year.

